Storytelling Guild
So... I started a storytelling guild in Dubuque. We've only had a few meetings, but they are so great! I hope more people will join us. Storytelling is such a great way to learn about people, and things, and the world ... it's all about context. Without context, there is so much misunderstanding. The guild meets just once a month -- we may have to make it twice a month -- since the January meeting had to be canceled due to extreme cold. You know, anything can happen. We have had a challenge finding the right time and place to meet. We want to meet at a place that is first of all, free. Second of all, comfortable for everyone. Third, a little bit private. So -- the back room or upstairs room of a pub would be awesome. We met at the UU church in December, but even though that is an extremely liberal church, it still felt a bit...well, "churchy". Now we have to work harder on getting the word out! Hopefully, we will be able to meet at the Smokestack. They have an upstairs room that would be perfect. In the summer, my theatre company is hosting a Storytelling Camp for Educators. Here's a picture of me telling stories with my brother, Bob at the Carnegie Stout Library in Dubuque for the LnMPO concert. We call ourselves, "Tadpoles and Tales." Aren't we clever. :)