Heaven Gains a Wizard Rock Star!
Brilliant Wizard Robertus Bobrid passed over into the magical realm at 1 am on May 1st, 2022. He loved Frogwarts. He loved magic and imagination. He loved you wizards. He loved cooking for you, and playing with you, and making music with and for you. He loved seeing you come back summer after summer, watching you grow and become. Magical folks like Bobrid don't come along every day. He encouraged and inspired so many young wizards. Open mic night and transfiguration balls were his favorites. We are all so blessed to have known and loved him, and been known and been loved by him. He has joined the spirits of the Dragon Wing, the Selkie Clan, the Morning Star and the Terra Tribe, in the magic of love. Bobrid knew that Love is the most important thing. It is, in fact, the Only thing. We love him, we miss him. We will play with him again some day in another realm. Until that day and forevermore, be kind to one another, encourage and inspire each other, love one another. Make Bobrid proud.
So mote it be.